An Autumn Fairy Garden


We often go for a walk and come back with masses of treasures – everything from sticks to little acorns (which the girls have always called fairy cups). We can always find a use for most things eventually and having made the Summer fairies a home the two little girls felt that the Autumn fairies should have one too!

Simply take lots of fallen leaves, twigs and acorns and create. If you would like to contain the garden you can use a plate, shoe box or an old tray. We didn’t use soil in this one, instead we used lots of blue tac to secure everything.


We also made a fairy washing line tied between two sticks stuck down with blue tac.


We already had the mini ladybird pegs which looked very sweet.


We even made a little fairy ladder using a broken twig and blue tac which leads up to the pond.


Enid Blyton Rating: 7 out of 10 (A lovely craft for an Autumn collection. We love making gardens in the wild too and although we do like this one we love creating fairy houses outside at the moment which is why it only got a 7. Ask us next week and we might bit feeling a bit more indoor again!).


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